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Conference Keynote Speaker

Richard Hokenson is a very well respected conference speaker, capable of being the keynote speaker or as a presenter as part of the conference program.  He has made many presentations to nonfinancial as well as financial firms.  The nonfinancial firms include Ticketmaster, Mastercard, Caterpillar, Lubrizol the Economic Club of Florida, and Young President’s Organization (YPO).  The YPO presentations include speaking to various chapters located in the United States as well as the University Week forum in Hong Kong.


The list of presentations to financial entities is equally impressive.  He has been featured either as the conference speaker and presenter in conferences organized by Goldman Sachs (both at their retreat at Kiawah as well as in their New York office).  He was a keynote speaker at the Asian Fund Forum in Hong Kong.  He was a presenter at the conference hosted by Deutsche Asset Management in New York, and the Merrill Lynch Asia conference in Singapore.

Other engagements to a financial audience include being a keynote speaker at the annual conference of the American Council on Life Insurance and was also the keynote speaker at the annual investment conference hosted by the Society of Actuaries in New York.  He has also participated in several conferences organized by the Chartered Financial Analyst Society.  The most recent was their European conference held in Berlin.  Prior to that he was a conference keynote speaker at the annual investment conference organized by the Philippines CFA society.  That speaking engagement was supplemented with presentations in Indonesia (Jakarta), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), India (Chennai and Kolkata), and Bangladesh (Dhaka).

Richard is able to speak to a wide range of audiences.  While there is some overlap in the presentation that is appropriate for nonfinancial as well as financial audiences, there is a considerable difference regarding the importance of the conclusions.  Although the long-term secular trends are important for financial firms, their principal focus is on the close by near term with regards to specific industries.  Nonfinancial companies, on the other hand, are much more interested in understanding the economic environment for their specific businesses.  They don’t have the option of switching to other asset classes.  Richard’s inputs are important not only for today’s operating environment – they are also critical in their strategic planning.

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